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STEP TWO: InterviewsWhen completed application forms are received, the office will contact new families to arrange an admissions interview, if space is available in the applicable grades.
STEP THREE: Selection ProcessSt. Catherine’s is a member of the Catholic Independent Schools of the Vancouver Archdiocese (CISVA). Individuals who submit their application to our school on or before the application deadline date will be evaluated on the following basis: Priority 1: Children currently enrolled here who have met the application requirements. Priority 2: Siblings of children already in the school, whose families are practicing Catholics active in either St. Joseph’s Parish Langley or St. Nicholas Parish, Langley. Priority 3: Children whose families are practicing Catholics active in either St. Joseph’s Parish Langley or St. Nicholas Parish, Langley. In order for your child to be considered as members of a particular parish, your family must: Be registered in that parish Regularly attend Mass at that parish Use Sunday envelopes, (no amount specified) from the parish on a regular basis Participate in the work activities required of you by that parish Priority 4: Siblings of children already in the school, whose families are practicing Catholics active in other parishes. Priority 5: Children whose families are practicing Catholics coming into either St. Joseph’s Parish, Langley or St. Nicholas Parish, Langley, who have been attending Catholic school elsewhere. Priority 6: Children whose families are practicing Catholics active in other parishes. Priority 7: All other students regardless of religious denomination.
STEP ONE: Application FormInterested families are welcome to complete an application form and submit it to our school office. You will be contacted to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet with our principal, tour the school, meet our dedicated faculty and visit the classrooms. Application forms can be printed from the following links or are available from the school office between 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday. Application Form If you are interested in applying but would like to meet with the principal and see the school first, please call us at 604-534-6564 and book a tour of our school. For current families who are applying for a sibling entering Kindergarten for upcoming school year, please contact the office. Completed application forms must include the following: Student Proof of Canadian Citizenship (Birth Certificate/ Citizenship Card) One Parent’s Proof of Canadian Citizenship (Birth Certificate/ Citizenship Card) Proof of BC Residency (i.e. copy of BC Hydro or Fortis Bill/Property Tax Assessment/Rental Agreement) Application Form completed in full Copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
STEP FOUR: RegistrationRegistration packages are given to new family applicants once applications have been approved. Returning Families Parents bring completed registration packages to the school on the designated dates. You may also review the following documents which are not printed out each year but are included here for your review: 2025-2026 Principal's Letter 2025-2026 PEC Chairperson's Letter 2025-2026 Parent Participation Letter And Assignment Form- New Families 2025-2026 Parent Participation Assignment Form-Current Families 2025-2026 Financial Tax Benefit Sheet Family Statement of Commitment Privacy Consent Form Emergency Card Emergency Preparedness Program
Why is it a requirement to complete Parent Participation hours at the school?In order to keep tuition costs affordable, as many of the in-house and maintenance tasks as possible are taken care of by our school parents. This also provides a tangible sense of school community. Each family is required to: 1. Complete 36 hours in a school year in an assigned task group that often reflects your skills and talents. 2. Complete an additional 4 hours at either of our 2 major fundraisers. Families also have the option of having their parent participation cheques cashed if they would prefer not to do work hours. The 36 hours of parent participation equate to two cheques valued at $400.00 each and one more cheque to cover the fundraiser commitment also valued at $400.00.
How is faith formation developed in the Catholic school?By embedding the knowledge of our faith within the instruction of the entire curriculum, students understand and deepen their knowledge of the Church and its teachings. Additionally, through Mass, service projects, religion classes, and celebrating the liturgical year, faith formation occurs.
Do you offer Before and After School Care?Before and After School Care is provided through St. Joseph’s Church Preschool, which is located on the same grounds as the school.
What defines a Category 1 student?A Category 1 student is a child of an active family at one of our two supporting Parishes, St. Joseph’s Parish, Langley or St. Nicholas Parish, Langley.
Do Catholic schools enroll students with diverse abilities?Yes. As a school that promotes “Reverence for Life”, we accept students with diverse abilities. Individual educational programs are provided to meet all diverse learning needs, empowering each child to reach their full potential.
What defines a Category 2 student?A Category 2 student is a child of an active family at a Catholic Parish outside of the supporting Parishes of St. Catherine’s.
If we are not Catholic, will my child have to study religion or participate in religious services?Yes. All students are expected to respectfully participate in religion classes and services. Your child will study but not receive the Sacraments of the Catholic Faith such as Reconciliation, Communion or Confirmation.
Do you offer co-curricular activities?Yes, St. Catherine’s believes in educating the whole individual. We offer a range of clubs and activities that appeal to a wide range of talents, interests and skill sets.
Besides tuition, are there other costs that parents are responsible for throughout the year?Yes, besides tuition, families are responsible for the following costs (**These costs are for reference only and are subject to change without notice**) Registration Fee: $40 per child ($80 late registration fee) Activity Fee for school supplies, IT, gym equipment, Music and French classes ($60 – primary students, $80 intermediate students) School Uniforms: Must be purchased through our uniform supplier, Cambridge Uniforms. There is a free, used uniform donation cupboard at the school for families to take what they need for their children. Field trips: Field trip expenses are covered by your tuition. Sacramental Programs: Students receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion (usually Grade 2) are charged $30. Students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation (usually Grade 7) are charged $30. Grade 7 Outdoor Education: $150 Grade 7 Graduation Sweater: (Optional) $35-$42 Yearbook: (Optional) price depends on publisher’s quote. Hot Lunch: (Optional) Families can choose to order hot lunches through the school. Hot Lunch is available every Wednesday through The Munch a Lunch website. Parents can order weekly, or occasionally, or a month at a time.
Do you offer scholarships for families who want to educate their children at St. Catherine’s?No, we do not offer scholarships to attend our school. However, it is our belief that Catholic education should be affordable and accessible to all families. If your family requires financial assistance, please make an appointment with your Pastor. Cases are considered on an individual basis and respectfully kept confidential.
What defines a Category 3 student?A Category 3 student is a student who is not a member of any Catholic Parish or is Non-Catholic.
Can I collect hours for work that I do in the summer?Yes, hours can be collected starting from July 1st for the upcoming school year.
What hours can I claim on a field trip?If you have more than just your child in your vehicle, and you are the driver, you may claim the driving time to and from an event. Supervision time during a field trip, extra-curricular event or bus ride cannot be claimed as parent participation hours.
My family is in a crisis situation. Can I get relief from our hours?There is a “Request for Exemption/Reduction” form that you can fill out and hand in to the office addressed to the PEC Chairperson.
How many hours can I claim if I am requested to do a task from the school using my own materials?We have a formula to provide appropriate parent participation hours for special service jobs. Please contact the Parent Participation Administrator to get details. Prior approval is needed before proceeding with any service-based jobs at the school where more than straight hours are requested.
Can I claim extra hours from the fundraisers?If you exceed 4 hours of work during a fundraiser, the excess hours may be applied towards your 36 parent participation hours. Please record the excess hours under your assigned task group.
What if I cannot commit to all 36 hours?There is a hybrid option available whereby families work only 18 hours in a task group over the course of the year and have just one of their cheques cashed. However, not all task groups have this option, so consultation with the Parent Participation Administrator is required.
Can I carry my extra hours over to the next school year?Excess hours cannot be carried over into a following school year.
How many hours do I need to complete?40 Hours total for the school year of which 36 hours are completed through an assigned task group of your choice plus 4 hours at our Fall or Spring Fundraiser. The first 18 hours must be completed by Jan 31st and the second 18 hours plus the 4 fundraiser hours must be completed by June 22nd. The 36 hours of parent participation equate to two cheques valued at $400.00 each and one more cheque to cover the fundraiser commitment also valued at $400.00. Direction is given regarding jobs that need completing by the task group coordinator. It is expected that approximately 80% of hours will be completed within your assigned task group. The other 20% can be fulfilled by tasks such as driving on field trips.
What if I am not getting enough hours?It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that they are accumulating enough hours. If assistance is needed in this area, the parent must contact their Task Group Coordinator or the Parent Participation Administrator.
Can I complete hours if it is passed the deadline?In some circumstances after communication with the Parent Participation Administrator, the deadline may be extended to a date after June 22nd.
Who can assist me in completing my hours?Family members and friends who are not currently registered in the school may assist parents. Individuals must be 19 years of age or older. Students 16 years or older who are accompanied by a parent/guardian, may assist with hours with the exception of the Fall Fundraiser evening. Young people under the age of 19 cannot be present during the Fall Fundraiser due to liquor licensing regulations.
What are the different task groups?Parish Education Committee (PEC) Governing Board of the school. Members are voted in via St. Joseph’s parishioners. Parent Fundraising Association (PFA) Help raise funds for St. Catherine’s Elementary School. All members are required to be actively involved in the planning, organizing, preparation and execution of the two main fundraisers. Parent Support Group (PSG) A board of 3 parents who apply for government grants. Members are voted in. Task Group Coordinator Positions Parents who coordinate individual task groups. Parking and Playground Supervision Morning supervision and parking lot crosswalk duty from 8:00 am to 8:40 am one morning per week. Community Builders Assist with Community events as they arise throughout the school year. Typically work consists of event set up, food preparation, and clean up. Coaching/Refereeing Coach or referee sports under the instruction of our Athletic Director. Library Assist the Librarian with restocking books. School Maintenance Meet for 4 hours typically on the last Saturday of each month to do maintenance in and outside of the school. Classroom Assistance In class support person for a primary grade once per week. Book Fair Implement and oversee the annual Book Fair. Cleaning Cleaning in the school typically during a Saturday Work Bee held on the last Saturday of the month. Emergency Preparation Prepare the Emergency Bins for each classroom. Work begins at the end of Aug. Information Technology PC skills and experience with Windows 10 and Microsoft office 365 including use & troubleshooting Yearbook Put together the Year Book. Must have computer and photography skills. Grounds Keeping/Landscaping Maintaining our school grounds. Lunchtime Supervision Provide supervision once per week for Kindergarten students while they eat lunch and then supervise students on the intermediate playground. Please note that not all task groups have openings each year. If you would like to switch task groups, please contact the Parent Participation Administrator to discuss other available options.
Where do I record my completed hours?All completed hours must be recorded using the Hours Submission Form. If hours are not recorded, credit cannot be given.

STEP TWO: InterviewsWhen completed application forms are received, the office will contact new families to arrange an admissions interview, if space is available in the applicable grades.
STEP THREE: Selection ProcessSt. Catherine’s is a member of the Catholic Independent Schools of the Vancouver Archdiocese (CISVA). Individuals who submit their application to our school on or before the application deadline date will be evaluated on the following basis: Priority 1: Children currently enrolled here who have met the application requirements. Priority 2: Siblings of children already in the school, whose families are practicing Catholics active in either St. Joseph’s Parish Langley or St. Nicholas Parish, Langley. Priority 3: Children whose families are practicing Catholics active in either St. Joseph’s Parish Langley or St. Nicholas Parish, Langley. In order for your child to be considered as members of a particular parish, your family must: Be registered in that parish Regularly attend Mass at that parish Use Sunday envelopes, (no amount specified) from the parish on a regular basis Participate in the work activities required of you by that parish Priority 4: Siblings of children already in the school, whose families are practicing Catholics active in other parishes. Priority 5: Children whose families are practicing Catholics coming into either St. Joseph’s Parish, Langley or St. Nicholas Parish, Langley, who have been attending Catholic school elsewhere. Priority 6: Children whose families are practicing Catholics active in other parishes. Priority 7: All other students regardless of religious denomination.
STEP ONE: Application FormInterested families are welcome to complete an application form and submit it to our school office. You will be contacted to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet with our principal, tour the school, meet our dedicated faculty and visit the classrooms. Application forms can be printed from the following links or are available from the school office between 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday. Application Form If you are interested in applying but would like to meet with the principal and see the school first, please call us at 604-534-6564 and book a tour of our school. For current families who are applying for a sibling entering Kindergarten for upcoming school year, please contact the office. Completed application forms must include the following: Student Proof of Canadian Citizenship (Birth Certificate/ Citizenship Card) One Parent’s Proof of Canadian Citizenship (Birth Certificate/ Citizenship Card) Proof of BC Residency (i.e. copy of BC Hydro or Fortis Bill/Property Tax Assessment/Rental Agreement) Application Form completed in full Copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
STEP FOUR: RegistrationRegistration packages are given to new family applicants once applications have been approved. Returning Families Parents bring completed registration packages to the school on the designated dates. You may also review the following documents which are not printed out each year but are included here for your review: 2025-2026 Principal's Letter 2025-2026 PEC Chairperson's Letter 2025-2026 Parent Participation Letter And Assignment Form- New Families 2025-2026 Parent Participation Assignment Form-Current Families 2025-2026 Financial Tax Benefit Sheet Family Statement of Commitment Privacy Consent Form Emergency Card Emergency Preparedness Program
Why is it a requirement to complete Parent Participation hours at the school?In order to keep tuition costs affordable, as many of the in-house and maintenance tasks as possible are taken care of by our school parents. This also provides a tangible sense of school community. Each family is required to: 1. Complete 36 hours in a school year in an assigned task group that often reflects your skills and talents. 2. Complete an additional 4 hours at either of our 2 major fundraisers. Families also have the option of having their parent participation cheques cashed if they would prefer not to do work hours. The 36 hours of parent participation equate to two cheques valued at $400.00 each and one more cheque to cover the fundraiser commitment also valued at $400.00.
How is faith formation developed in the Catholic school?By embedding the knowledge of our faith within the instruction of the entire curriculum, students understand and deepen their knowledge of the Church and its teachings. Additionally, through Mass, service projects, religion classes, and celebrating the liturgical year, faith formation occurs.
Do you offer Before and After School Care?Before and After School Care is provided through St. Joseph’s Church Preschool, which is located on the same grounds as the school.
What defines a Category 1 student?A Category 1 student is a child of an active family at one of our two supporting Parishes, St. Joseph’s Parish, Langley or St. Nicholas Parish, Langley.
Do Catholic schools enroll students with diverse abilities?Yes. As a school that promotes “Reverence for Life”, we accept students with diverse abilities. Individual educational programs are provided to meet all diverse learning needs, empowering each child to reach their full potential.
What defines a Category 2 student?A Category 2 student is a child of an active family at a Catholic Parish outside of the supporting Parishes of St. Catherine’s.
If we are not Catholic, will my child have to study religion or participate in religious services?Yes. All students are expected to respectfully participate in religion classes and services. Your child will study but not receive the Sacraments of the Catholic Faith such as Reconciliation, Communion or Confirmation.
Do you offer co-curricular activities?Yes, St. Catherine’s believes in educating the whole individual. We offer a range of clubs and activities that appeal to a wide range of talents, interests and skill sets.
Besides tuition, are there other costs that parents are responsible for throughout the year?Yes, besides tuition, families are responsible for the following costs (**These costs are for reference only and are subject to change without notice**) Registration Fee: $40 per child ($80 late registration fee) Activity Fee for school supplies, IT, gym equipment, Music and French classes ($60 – primary students, $80 intermediate students) School Uniforms: Must be purchased through our uniform supplier, Cambridge Uniforms. There is a free, used uniform donation cupboard at the school for families to take what they need for their children. Field trips: Field trip expenses are covered by your tuition. Sacramental Programs: Students receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion (usually Grade 2) are charged $30. Students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation (usually Grade 7) are charged $30. Grade 7 Outdoor Education: $150 Grade 7 Graduation Sweater: (Optional) $35-$42 Yearbook: (Optional) price depends on publisher’s quote. Hot Lunch: (Optional) Families can choose to order hot lunches through the school. Hot Lunch is available every Wednesday through The Munch a Lunch website. Parents can order weekly, or occasionally, or a month at a time.
Do you offer scholarships for families who want to educate their children at St. Catherine’s?No, we do not offer scholarships to attend our school. However, it is our belief that Catholic education should be affordable and accessible to all families. If your family requires financial assistance, please make an appointment with your Pastor. Cases are considered on an individual basis and respectfully kept confidential.
What defines a Category 3 student?A Category 3 student is a student who is not a member of any Catholic Parish or is Non-Catholic.
Can I collect hours for work that I do in the summer?Yes, hours can be collected starting from July 1st for the upcoming school year.
What hours can I claim on a field trip?If you have more than just your child in your vehicle, and you are the driver, you may claim the driving time to and from an event. Supervision time during a field trip, extra-curricular event or bus ride cannot be claimed as parent participation hours.
My family is in a crisis situation. Can I get relief from our hours?There is a “Request for Exemption/Reduction” form that you can fill out and hand in to the office addressed to the PEC Chairperson.
How many hours can I claim if I am requested to do a task from the school using my own materials?We have a formula to provide appropriate parent participation hours for special service jobs. Please contact the Parent Participation Administrator to get details. Prior approval is needed before proceeding with any service-based jobs at the school where more than straight hours are requested.
Can I claim extra hours from the fundraisers?If you exceed 4 hours of work during a fundraiser, the excess hours may be applied towards your 36 parent participation hours. Please record the excess hours under your assigned task group.
What if I cannot commit to all 36 hours?There is a hybrid option available whereby families work only 18 hours in a task group over the course of the year and have just one of their cheques cashed. However, not all task groups have this option, so consultation with the Parent Participation Administrator is required.
Can I carry my extra hours over to the next school year?Excess hours cannot be carried over into a following school year.
How many hours do I need to complete?40 Hours total for the school year of which 36 hours are completed through an assigned task group of your choice plus 4 hours at our Fall or Spring Fundraiser. The first 18 hours must be completed by Jan 31st and the second 18 hours plus the 4 fundraiser hours must be completed by June 22nd. The 36 hours of parent participation equate to two cheques valued at $400.00 each and one more cheque to cover the fundraiser commitment also valued at $400.00. Direction is given regarding jobs that need completing by the task group coordinator. It is expected that approximately 80% of hours will be completed within your assigned task group. The other 20% can be fulfilled by tasks such as driving on field trips.
What if I am not getting enough hours?It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that they are accumulating enough hours. If assistance is needed in this area, the parent must contact their Task Group Coordinator or the Parent Participation Administrator.
Can I complete hours if it is passed the deadline?In some circumstances after communication with the Parent Participation Administrator, the deadline may be extended to a date after June 22nd.
Who can assist me in completing my hours?Family members and friends who are not currently registered in the school may assist parents. Individuals must be 19 years of age or older. Students 16 years or older who are accompanied by a parent/guardian, may assist with hours with the exception of the Fall Fundraiser evening. Young people under the age of 19 cannot be present during the Fall Fundraiser due to liquor licensing regulations.
What are the different task groups?Parish Education Committee (PEC) Governing Board of the school. Members are voted in via St. Joseph’s parishioners. Parent Fundraising Association (PFA) Help raise funds for St. Catherine’s Elementary School. All members are required to be actively involved in the planning, organizing, preparation and execution of the two main fundraisers. Parent Support Group (PSG) A board of 3 parents who apply for government grants. Members are voted in. Task Group Coordinator Positions Parents who coordinate individual task groups. Parking and Playground Supervision Morning supervision and parking lot crosswalk duty from 8:00 am to 8:40 am one morning per week. Community Builders Assist with Community events as they arise throughout the school year. Typically work consists of event set up, food preparation, and clean up. Coaching/Refereeing Coach or referee sports under the instruction of our Athletic Director. Library Assist the Librarian with restocking books. School Maintenance Meet for 4 hours typically on the last Saturday of each month to do maintenance in and outside of the school. Classroom Assistance In class support person for a primary grade once per week. Book Fair Implement and oversee the annual Book Fair. Cleaning Cleaning in the school typically during a Saturday Work Bee held on the last Saturday of the month. Emergency Preparation Prepare the Emergency Bins for each classroom. Work begins at the end of Aug. Information Technology PC skills and experience with Windows 10 and Microsoft office 365 including use & troubleshooting Yearbook Put together the Year Book. Must have computer and photography skills. Grounds Keeping/Landscaping Maintaining our school grounds. Lunchtime Supervision Provide supervision once per week for Kindergarten students while they eat lunch and then supervise students on the intermediate playground. Please note that not all task groups have openings each year. If you would like to switch task groups, please contact the Parent Participation Administrator to discuss other available options.
Where do I record my completed hours?All completed hours must be recorded using the Hours Submission Form. If hours are not recorded, credit cannot be given.
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